Bibiana Hernandez
Publicado en Capital Letter No. 6
Noviembre de 2004

 National ELT Conference 2004: Self- Directed Learning

Autonomy: a key element in the learning process

Being autonomous is perhaps a challenging task since it requires a great amount of motivation and responsibility from the learners. As they are asked to propose and to discuss what is given, they are encouraged to view knowledge and truth as contextual, to see value frameworks and cultural constructs, and to appreciate that they can act on their world individually or collectively to transform it.

The topic of the Seventh National ELT Conference, "Self-Directed Learning" held in Bogotá from 16 to 18 September 2004 at the Universidad de los Andes, was selected according to the responses received from suggestions made by participants the year before to the Sixth ELT Conference. The concept of autonomy as a key element in the learning process was challenged.

The conference was an opportunity for pre-service, in-service teachers, experts and administrative staff to discuss several topics about education and learning. Specifically, the Conference was intended to be a discussion about the rationale beyond self-directed and autonomous learning meaning the process by which individuals take the initiative, with or without the help of others, to analyze their learning needs, formulate learning goals, identify resources for learning, select and implement learning strategies, and evaluate learning results. Particularly, the Conference tried to cover aspects such as the incorporation of autonomy and self-directed learning in language programs, the curriculum, the materials, the roles of teachers and learners and its assessment in view of implications for the language syllabus, self-access centers and the autonomy of the teachers.

39th ASOCOPI National Conference: Defining Standards of English as a Foreign Language

"Standards of English as a Foreign Language" is a topic that has always worried teachers and institutions alike. These are the basis supporting the assessment of students' performance in the target language. Indeed, a definition of those standards will provide teachers with a clear view of the precise point at which a student is located in a language learning process map. In addition, by knowing the standards, the teacher will be able to guide students to find the best and fastest way to reach precision in the target language. Although international standards are available, for example the European Framework, it is necessary to ponder whether those measures are appropriate for the Colombian context or not.

The 39th ASOCOPI National Conference held in Santa Marta from October 14 to 17 gave Colombian pre-service and in-service teachers, administrators, BA and MA candidates as well as international speakers the opportunity to reflect upon the proposed topic having as a reference their teaching experience and expertise. More than 70 academic presentations together with plenary and concurrent sessions showed how the people involved in English teaching in Colombia felt about this important issue. Cultural and social activities also enriched this annual event which is becoming one of the most important spaces for reflection on English teaching in Colombia.


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