Profesora: María Teresa Rojas
La obra trata de la sociedad comunista que ironiza la existencia de Dios y el demonio. El estudiante Juan Carlos Rodríguez Rendón interpreta el mensaje de Bulgakovyda sus percepciones acerca de la obra, en el texto escrito en ruso.
El novelista y dramaturgo, Mijail Bulgakov, nació en Kiev, Ucrania (1891 1940) Estudió medicina, pero renunció a esa profesión en favor de la creación literaria. Sus primeras obras son narraciones satíricas, Maleficios (1925), Corazón de perro (1925) Morfina (1927) y comedias, El departamento de Zoia (1926) Alcanzó el reconocimiento con su extensa novela La guardia blanca (1925) El maestro y Margarita (publicada en la Unión Soviética en 1966) fue escrita entre 1929 y su muerte, acaecida en 1940. Trata de los problemas eternos del bien y el mal, utilizando narraciones en paralelo, una de ellas situada en el Moscú contemporáneo y la otra en la Judea de Poncio Pilatos, y oscila de la fantasía y la sátira humorística a la tragedia. La fama de Bulgakov no quedó establecida hasta años después de su muerte, cuando sus novelas, obras de teatro y su biografía empezaron a publicarse a partir de 1962.
Translated by Javier Rojas
Monday, June 21th, 2004 I write because I live alone, and because I love my monologue.
Today I am going to tell you about a friend, who I love talking to. She is a small, strong young woman who wears classes and usually reads hooks about psychology. I could talk the whole day about her, because she is also very keen on Literature and studies Philology. She is very sullen, but when I talk to her 1 can affirm the existence of my misfortune and, then, perceive alleviation (perhaps tor that reason I enjoy her company).
Once, while we were walking by the university, a Christian couple approached us and vehemently interrupted our conversation saying: "We are going to show you the true revolution." We thought that they were troublemakers. We did not say anything, but when they uttered the words "God" "Faith", and "Great Lord", we decided to talk only in French so that they could not understand us, and might think that we were mad or drunk. Afterwards, they began to pray.
At that moment, I felt repugnance, and became sick. I can neither understand nor avoid smiling when I listen to such fanatic people. After that, I attended my French lesson. There, I got bored because I had to talk about foolish and embarrassing things, and listen to many details of others' experiences, Thus, I waited eagerly for the end of the class: I wanted to finish reading the book Master and Margarita.
I love Bulgakov's work because he uses a lot of symbols and criticizes the costumes and traditions in a Russian communist society. In this book, the Devil is found playing with the fate of people. This personage wants to prove God's existence in such a way that he gets desperate when the "Soviet citizen" neither believes nor respects God. This mean spirit wants to punish Atheism and, thus, he shouts with irritation when Mijail Alexander Berlitz rejects God's existence; in the end, the Devil slays Berlitz.
Bulgakov ridicules the communist moral, but he also ridicules unconsciously his own God disguised as Devil. The Christian God is always thinking in terms of punishment and, in spite of his apparent moral, public charity, and goodness, He plays both the roles of God and Devil.
In any case, as Literature is the most important thing, Bulgakov endows the Devil with a great personalization. The Devil may be our human fate, which pervades all our deeds.
This Russian writer bestowed Literature with a wonderful fear.
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